How do you communicate?

I think before I speak
Watch, wait and analyze
My motormouth never stops

How passionate are you about your job?

So much so I don’t even eat or poop
I show up at work the day after I’ve won the lottery
I check my mailbox once every 30 days. So what?
I sleep at my desk.

Are you a troubleshooter?

Aim … Fire … Bull’s eye.
Can we first talk about our troubles?
I’m not licensed to kill.
It’ll go away if we ignore it, right?

You’re great!

You seem like the type of person that is looking for a crazy challenge. But crazy isn’t bad. If you really like our vibe , drop us a line.

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You’re a Magician!

You see a picture of a rock and … Abra-After-Effects-Cadabra … You make it come to life! That is pure magic. What else can you cook up in your cauldron of awesomeness?

We currently do not have an opening for Motion Designer, but please do apply by using the form. We are always on the look out for great minds.

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You’re a Gourmet Chef!

You know what design and color taste like. You arrange every detail so meticulously that every dish becomes irresistible. You are … an “artiste”.

We currently do not have an opening for Graphic Designer, but please do apply by using the form. We are always on the look out for great minds.

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You’re a Ninja!

We know you’re a ninja. We know you’re here. And still you manage to surprise everyone with killer concepts in the blink of an eye. How you do it is a mystery, but it’s all lethally beautiful.

We currently do not have an opening for Art Director, but please do apply by using the form. We are always on the look out for great minds.

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You’re a Pun-isher!

Yes, you read that right: you are pun-tastic at wordplay while punishing your keyboard for being so cheeky. The safeword is floccinaucinihilipilification. Yes … that is a real word.

We currently do not have an opening for Copywriter, but please do apply by using the form. We are always on the look out for great minds.

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You’re a Superstar!

OMG! You have so many fans on your social media pages. And they all love you sooo much. Sure, you have a few ‘haters’ but you deal with them appropriately. Can we get your autograph?

We currently do not have an opening for Social Media Manager, but please do apply by using the form. We are always on the look out for great minds.

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You’re a Dynamo!

You are responsible for generating the energy everyone needs to work on our digital projects. Your work is, like Travolta sings in ‘You’re The One That I Want’, electrifying.
We currently do not have an opening for Digital Project Manager, but please do apply by using the form. We are always on the look out for great minds.

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You’re an Alchemist!

You possess the talent and knowledge to make two completely incompatible elements work together. Creatives and clients, for example. The result? Pure gold.

Here at Bubka, we may just have what you're looking for!
Account, ever heard of it? Better check it out.

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